Engineering Consulting Services
We offer engineering consulting services for existing structures, including transition studies, reserve studies, and property condition assessments. We specialize in recommending and designing repair solutions for critical building performance issues. Our expertise covers a wide range of existing structures and building elements, including:
Masonry, stone, wood, terra cotta, and conventionally reinforced and post-tensioned concrete construction
Roofing and waterproofing
Foundation waterproofing and underpinning
Facades and balconies
Air/water leakage and condensation issues
Parking garages
Historic buildings
Retaining walls
Site drainage
Additional Information
Reserve Studies
The purpose of a reserve study is to estimate future costs needed to maintain the property in good condition and to calculate the assessments needed to cover the future expenses. We perform studies in general accordance with the recommended practices contained in the Community Association Institute’s (CAI) Best Practices Report for reserve studies.
Transition/Warranty Studies
The purpose of the transition defect study is to evaluate the construction of the common elements of a property, identify construction defects, and set forth the findings in a written report that then becomes the basis for negotiating a resolution of construction defect warranty claims with a Developer or Declarant.
Property Condition Assessments
We perform property condition assessments following the latest version of ASTM Standard E2018. Evaluation includes observation of the physical condition of the building systems to identify any physical deficiencies or inadequacies.